Worcester in Flood, November 2000
In early November, 2000, the river Severn reached its highest level (5.4 metres above normal) in Worcester since the great flood of 1947.
I took these photos in the early evening of Nov 1st and the morning of Nov 2nd, 2000.
For the photographers amongst you, they were taken on Fujicolor Superia 400ASA emulsion with a Minolta Dynax 600si, Minolta 28-80 f4-5.6 lens.
All images Copyright © 2000 Phil Randal.
Swans, Copenhagen Street
Looking north from the bridge, dusk, November 1st
Bridge from downstream, November 1st
Brown's Restaurant
A view of the bridge
Severn View Hotel (advertising "Rooms with a View"). Note the person in the window
German tourist Eva Sperner being rescued by a gallant fireman
Hylton Road